Consumer Information
In accordance with federal regulations set forth under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at Duke University.
Each topic provides a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and provides access to the information. Written copies of all information can be requested by emailing sends e-mail)
When clicking a link on this site, please use your browser's back arrow to return to the previous page. Note, some links are external to Duke.
General Institutional Information
Each year, Duke distributes to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of information required pursuant to specific requirements under the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), as amended, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.
A paper copy of any and all of the information provided on this page is available upon request by emailing or calling (919) 684-6225.
Duke Divinity School Financial Aid |
Director of Financial Aid (919) 660-3441, sends e-mail) |
Fuqua School of Business Financial Aid Office |
Director of Financial Aid (919) 660-8079, sends e-mail) |
School of Law Financial Aid |
Director of Financial Aid (919) 613-7025, sends e-mail) |
School of Nursing Financial Aid |
Director of Financial Aid (877) 344-4680, sends e-mail) |
School of Medicine Financial Aid |
Director of Financial Aid (919) 684-6649, sends e-mail) |
Graduate School Financial Aid |
Director of Financial Aid (919) 681-3247, sends e-mail) |
Nicholas School of the Environment Financial Aid |
Director of Financial Aid (919) 613-8071, sends e-mail) |
Sanford School of Public Policy Financial Aid |
Graduate Financial Aid (for Masters) |